Turn the penis enlargement of the cybernetic era with our most advanced automatic erection pump ever created! After only a few times, you will discover thick and throbbing erections that last and last. Developed as a safe and affordable non-surgical alternative to costly medical procedures and pills, this hand penis pump is the easiest way to enlarge your penis instantly without any side effects. Simply insert your penis into the cylinder, press the button, and watch as your penis gets the power with great pleasure! The elastic nozzle forms a perfectly tight seal against your skin and creates a powerful vacuum inside the chamber, forcing your penis to expand rapidly in both length and thickness. The transparent cylinder allows you to see how your member gets bigger and fatter with the automatic increase in pressure. When you have reached the desired point, press the button so that the pressure disappears. All Pump Addicted pumps are here to impress with a fantastic variety of penis growth devices! The feedback was 100% positive, all have proven to be the best product on the market. Pump Addicted helps to achieve erection in a more simple way using a vacuum system that causes the blood to concentrate in the penis when it is still flaccid. The erection is achieved and maintained by a comfortable and hermetic seal at the base of the body, just at the junction of the penis with the pubis, thanks to which blood is kept in the trunk. Thanks to the sleeve, the seal is firm, comfortable and narrow without squeezing. In addition, all Pump products can be combined with the launch of Pump vibrating bullet to increase the sensation of pleasure. PUMP ADDICTED, gives you instant results! Technical Specifications of Pump Addicted RX11;
- Stock: 50
- Model: D-220998
- Delivery time: 4 working days